Introduction to Animal Rights Law with Dr. Silvina Pezzetta
"Did you know that animal welfare is a science without any moral implications, but which is often confused with welfarism?"
Today, we would like to introduce you to week 1 of our upcoming online course “Contemporary Issues in Animal Rights Law”.
But first, here are some great news for animal protection in Mexico:
After the unanimous approval by the Mexican Senate and endorsement by the required 17 state legislatures, it's now official: animals are protected under the Mexican Constitution!
Reforms to Articles 3, 4, and 73 mean the Mexican State must guarantee animals' adequate treatment, conservation, and care. This historic moment marks a significant step towards a more compassionate, kinder world for all beings.
Let’s celebrate this Mexican milestone and continue advocating for better legal protection for animals worldwide!
After all, this is why we have created our upcoming Animal Rights Law course. Here is what you can expect from the first class:
Week 1: Introduction to Animal Rights Law
We are used to hearing about animal rights, but have you ever wondered: What kind of rights do animals have? Are they legal or moral rights—or both? Do this discussion even makes any difference when arguing in courts?
It does, and more than you think!
And what about animal welfare?
For our course, we have engaged a leading senior researcher in Animal Law! Dr. Silvina Pezzetta will introduce the key concepts and definitions central to Animal Rights Law, laying the foundation for understanding the relationship between animals, law, and society.
She will clarify the distinctions between ‘animal rights’ and ‘animal welfare,’ discuss the limitations of current legal protections, and explore the legal implications of animal sentience and dignity. Participants will also gain insights into the global challenges faced by Animal Rights Law today.
Here’s a brief introduction from Dr. Silvina Pezzetta:
Did you know that animal welfare is a science without any moral implications, but which is often confused with welfarism? So we could be using animal welfare scientific evidence in our legal claims right now, instead of only relying on undercover investigations by animal advocacy groups.
We are going to delve into these and other topics in the first week of the Contemporary Issues in Animal Rights Law course. I will teach the first lecture, Introduction to Animal Rights Law. In this first lecture, we will also review sentience definitions and its impact in legal regulations and global challenges to animal rights recognition.
I am very glad to be part of this course, and I hope you join us to discuss this and many other important topics to help animals.
How can I sign up for this course?
You can sign up here: (we have 2 spots left).
Where can I find more information about this course?
You can read our previous Substack post, or go straight to our website. Our course booklet is available for download here.
Connect with us on social media:
Follow us in your favourite social media platform to stay updated on everything we are doing to advance animal rights law and ethics. ICARE is active on
Here’s what you can expect:
Updates on our research, advocacy, and legal education programmes,
News about upcoming courses, seminars, and events,
Insights into our mission to reshape legal systems to protect animals.
We are building a community of passionate animal advocates, legal professionals, and academics dedicated to making a real difference for animals and their rights.
We would love for you to be part of it. Let’s connect, share ideas, and work together to create change!
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